Thursday, May 16, 2013

Woods and Wonder

            UFO’s fly through the air while a T-Rex roars on earth below. The T-Rex grabs the spaceship in his mouth and starts to tear it to pieces. Just in time a knight arrives to fight the T-Rex for the spaceship. The knight wins but the ship is destroyed beyond repair. He hops in his getaway car and drives to the coast, where the pirates are waiting for him.
            Ever play with toys as a kid? You play and play with them and it seems to never get old. Your imagination soars and you’re in your own little world and no one can destroy it. Wonder fills your heart as you play out the bad guy or the good guy.
             One day it gets old. It’s that birthday or that friend that makes you say “I’m grown up now” making the toys start to lose their wonder. Imagination decays, until the toys in the closet are just a replicas collecting dust.
              Being in the woods fills me with wonder how toys fill kids with wonder, but the feeling never went away.

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