Thursday, January 10, 2013

Its Probably not the First Time Your Hearing This

Where do people get the illusion that they deserve things? I hear it every day. It almost seems the source of all conflict. That's one of the most important fundamentals of the Christian faith. For example, my mom might tell me to wash the dishes. I see my sister watching T.V. I wash the dishes. Later on my mom tells me to take the dog out. I say, "I washed the dishes earlier. What about her?"(pointing to my sister). Fair or not fair that I have to take the dog out? Fair. The example sounds childish, I know, but its the truth. Why, you say? Because every breath I draw, every morning I wake up, every step I take, is a gift. Whether I acknowledge it or not, I don't get anything I deserve, because I deserve hell. It's a lot better way to live I say. You don't have to be angry anymore. You don't have to keep track of what others are doing and be the judge of what they deserve and what they don't deserve. It's much easier to put that in the hands of God. You don't have to be angry at others for being angry, prideful, deceitful, or simply, cutting you off in traffic. I like to call it, a world through grace glasses.

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